Easiest Winter Skincare Tips for a Smooth & Soft Skin – SavarnasMantra

Easiest Winter Skincare Tips for a Smooth & Soft Skin

Nov 28, 2021

Dan Singh

Easiest Winter Skincare Tips for a Smooth & Soft Skin - SavarnasMantra

Do you know that your skin changes according to the changing weather or season? If you know it, you'll be pretty sure about the condition of the skin in the winter seasons. To be precise, the skin has to undergo the worst conditions like dryness, flakiness, rashes, windburn, and whatnot. Above all, the cold air and the varying humidity levels can badly affect the skin's moisture level, making them look dry, itchy, and dull. These skin problems do not appear only on facial skin but also on the hands and legs. Due to these reasons, most people, especially the ones with dry skin, is worried and are busy hunting for tips and tricks to keep the skin problem-free during this cold season. If you don't want to let those winter blues get to your skin, the best option is to switch your skincare products with some powerful ones. 

Ingredients to look for While Choosing Winter Skincare products: 

We now know that it’s a must to revamp the skincare products during winters. If you want to make your winter skincare most effective, you should look for certain specific ingredients in the products that you are choosing for skincare. Let’s see what they are: 

  • Hyaluronic acid– This powerful ingredient is excellent in keeping the skin moisturized and locking it. So, it is an essential ingredient to look for in winter skincare products
  • Lactic Acid: It is gentle on the skin and keeps the skin well moisturized. Moreover, it offers many benefits to the skin. 
  • Glycolic Acid: Its aids in sloughing away the dry and dead skin cells providing radiant skin.  
  • Squalane: It is another potent ingredient to look for in your winter skincare products. This natural ingredient is the perfect one to fight winter dryness. 

According to skin experts, it is necessary to make some changes in the skincare routine during the winter months. Let’s have a look at the changes required for a winter skincare routine: 

Switch for a Mild Cleanser: 

We all know, when it comes to a skincare routine, cleansing is everything. You get a lot of cleansers nowadays to choose from based on skin type. But, while deciding on a cleanser for a winter skincare regimen, you should look for a mild formula that doesn’t affect the moisture level of the skin. Moreover, if you can get hold of a cleanser with hydrating and soothing properties, then you are on the right track. 

Our Recommendation:

Savarnas Mantra® Natural Wheat Cleanser contains all the essential derivatives which are best in cleansing, soothing, softening, and repairing the skin. It further helps the skin to stay hydrated. Using this natural cleanser not only keeps the skin clean and clear but also improves its overall texture. 

Do not skip the Exfoliating Process 

In winter, the skin becomes dry with a lesser and sensitive moisture barrier. This condition makes the skin more prone to damage if they aren’t given proper care.  Exfoliating the skin weekly once keeps them free from dead and dry skin cells. If done well, exfoliating is a great process that can restore the radiance on the skin. 

Our Recommendation:

Investing in a natural skin exfoliant during the winter season will be a great idea. Savarnas Mantra® Natural Fruit Power Exfoliator is crafted with Glycolic acid, Lactic acid, and Pyruvic Acid. The glycolic acid helps in eliminating dead skin, the lactic acid keeps them hydrated, and the Pyruvic Acid minimizes the pores. 

Pick a Serum to Hydrate 

Whether your skin is normal or dry, it needs something more powerful to stay hydrated during winters, and for this, serums are the best companion. Serums are a skincare product that can give extra hydration to the skin. In addition, it also repairs the skin and nourishes the cells. Applying a few drops of facial serum can assure that your skin is getting enough hydration even during extremely cold weather. 

Our Recommendation:

Including a serum in your skincare routine is the best decision you can ever take for healthy and well-nourished skin. While choosing a serum for winter skincare, Savarnas Mantra® Natural 100% Pure Hyaluronic Serum will be a great choice. The natural serum is infused with pure Hyaluronic acid, which provides continuous hydration to the skin. 

Look for a powerful Moisturizer 

In nitty-gritty, in winter season, moisturizers are inevitable. In more simple words, it’s hard to live during the winters without moisturizers. And so, you really need a heavy moisturizer to lock the hydration during winters. While applying moisturizer during winters, one tip to keep in mind is to use them immediately after washing the skin. 

Our Recommendation: 

Savarnas Mantra® Natural Ultimate Nourishing Hyaluronic Moisturizer is incorporated with the best active Hyaluronic Acid and Squalane. It offers multi-layered moisture to the skin and also improves its overall texture. 

Along with these excellent products, some healthy habits and changes will greatly help you enjoy the bracing cold weather without worrying about the skin. Scroll down to explore some great tips to take heed of the winters in the best way; 

  • Give great care for your lips as they are equally sensitive. Using a moisturizing lip balm can help a lot in protecting the lips from getting chapped. 
  • Though the climate tempts us to take hot showers, it’s wise to avoid them. Instead, a warm bath will be a better option. 
  • As soon as you finish the shower, the next important process is to apply moisturizer when the skin is still damp. As mentioned above, using heavy-oil-based moisturizers are apt to use during the winter season.  
  • One common mistake people make during the winter season is reducing their water intake. Indeed, a cold climate doesn’t make us feel thirsty, but our skin and body badly need it in order to keep hydrated from within.  
  • There is a common misinterpretation that sunscreen is essential only during summers. But no! Whether its summers or winters, sunscreen is a must for your skin to safeguard them from the harsh UV rays.