Complete Guide to Care for Your Beautiful Lips – SavarnasMantra

Complete Guide to Care for Your Beautiful Lips

Jun 28, 2021

arun pratap

Complete Guide to Care for Your Beautiful Lips - SavarnasMantra

With the variance in temperatures, scouring heat at times, or extreme winters with less moisture in the air, we all know that lips get most affected. Lips get cracked, dry and irritated. It’s uncomfortable to be with chapped lips. We invest a lot of time taking care of our skin, but lips that require more care are often missed. It turns out there can be many reasons behind the chapped lips. Finding out the triggers can help out to give appropriate care that is needed for beautiful lips.

Read on to know some of the causes of chapped lips and some fantastic lip care tips that work wonders in treating them.

Know About Chapped Lips:

In simple words, chapped or cracked lips are nothing but dry lips. A severe form of chapped lips is called cheilitis. The skin on the lips is very sensitive. Sadly, they are often exposed to environmental factors. These factors damage the skin barrier and hence results in irritated and chapped lips. Let’s look into the factors that cause chapped lips;

  • Weather conditions
  • Cosmetics
  • Medications
  • Excessive Licking

Treating dry lips is pretty simple; you may try some simple treatments to cure them. But if the dry lips continue to be cracked, it’s wise to consult a dermatologist.

What Causes Chapped Lips?

One of the major causes is the weather fluctuations; the coldness or dryness affects the lips than the rest of the skin. But it isn’t the weather always the cause for the dry lips. It can also be due to allergies caused by fragrances, food or even the pigments of the lipsticks you are using.

Similarly, Lips doesn’t have oil glands like the other parts of the skin. And so, they tend to dry out more, resulting in chapped lips. The lack of moisture in the lips can also make the issue worse. It can be due to climatic change or lack of lip care.

Some Great Tips for That Soft and Pink Lips:

When it comes to lips, both color and texture equally matter. The best and the easiest way to keep your lips soft are to brush them gently when you brush your teeth. Scrubbing can make your lips smoother. To keep in mind, be gentle and use a soft bristle brush to scrub; otherwise, you may end up with bruised lips.

When we define beautiful lips, we often use –pink and soft lips to describe them. For a few, they are born with beautiful pink lips, whereas some of them try to achieve it by following natural ways or by medical treatments.Well, my suggestion would be to try all possible natural ways to get those dream lips before clinching to other options.

 Listed below are some excellent natural lip care products that you can try and find out the best one that suits works for you.

  • Rose petals with milk cream/Vaseline or glycerin
  • Oils- Olive oil, castor oil or coconut oil
  • Juices- carrot juice, beetroot juice or lemon
  • Honey

Try out these products and find out the ones that suit your lips, and ensure to apply regularly for beautiful pink lips.

How to Give Good Care to Your Lips:

With some efforts and quality lip care products, you can easily take good care of your lips. It isn’t a stressful process. Lip care can easily be included in your beauty regimen. Here is a simple yet practical guide that you can easily follow to take care of your lips:

Deep clean your lips; it's effective: Are you wondering how deep cleaning is possible with lips. Yes, we can. Lips need to be exfoliated once in a while to get rid of the dead skin. It will also make the lips fresh and rejuvenated.

Nowadays, you will come across many brands offering good scrubs for lips, but I would always suggest you choose natural scrubs for regular use as they are gentle and are found more effective.

Some best natural scrubs that you can use for lips are:

  • Lemon juice with sugar
  • Honey and sugar
  • Petroleum jelly on a bristle brush- rubbing it gently over the lips gives a great scrubbing experience.

Moisturize your lips: 

When there is a climatic change, our lips tend to get chapped. As the layers of the lips are thinner, they are bound to lose moisture pretty quickly. The easiest and the simplest way to protect them are by providing them ample hydration. It is when the lips lose hydration it gets cracked. You can use lip balms or good quality chapsticks from trusted brands to offer complete protection to your lips. Lip balms act as a shield over your lips, and the other effective ingredients contained in the balm helps in rejuvenating and hydrating the lips.

Lip balms are available in plenty of varieties ranging from pots-in, tubes, gel-based, chapsticks and even tinted one that gives a mild color to your lips.

Choose quality lip products:

Be it any lip product; choose a good branded and quality one for your lips. While picking lipsticks look for the ingredients, try out for products rich in Vitamin E, glycerin etc. Similarly, make it a habit of applying lip balm or lip plumper before applying the lipsticks.

Have You Ever Tried A Natural Lip Plumper?

 Nowadays, Lip plumper's are in high demand. They are lightweight and are made of some great ingredients. They can be used under the lipsticks for that fuller look and also provide a layer of protection. The lip plumper retains the moisture of your lips and can instantly plump up your lips, providing fuller and perfect lips. In addition, they are found helpful in reducing wrinkles, surface folds and fine lines on the lips.

If you wanted to give an extra layer of protection with beautiful lips, try out the Natural Instant Lip Plumper by Savarnas Mantra®. Excited to know more? Scroll down; 

Natural Instant Lip Plumper by Savarnas Mantra®.

Swipe the creamy tinted lip balm with the peptide-rich lip plumper. It can keep your lips free of wrinkles, fine lines, soft and hydrated. This beautiful product can expand the curves and volume of the lips and can instantly plump up your lips. This natural lip plumper contains hyaluronic acidand vitamin E which keeps the lips fresh and moist for a longer period.



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