New Year, New Beauty Routine: A Step-by-Step Guide – SavarnasMantra

New Year, New Beauty Routine: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jan 11, 2024

Bhavini Desai

New Year, New Beauty Routine: A Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents:


Step 1: Gentle But Hydrating Cleansing

Step 2: Hydration Station For Ample Moisture

Step 3: The Serum Game Goes Stronger

Step 4: Eye Care for a Brighter Tomorrow

Step 5: Sunscreen, Yeah It’s Needed Now

Step 6: Mask & Exfoliate

Benefits of a Dynamic Skincare Routine




It’s a happy, happy new year. As 2023 turns to 2024, so does the need for a refreshed approach to self-care. And what better way to welcome this new year than by embracing a revitalized beauty routine tailored to the winter season? In this detailed, step-by-step guide, we will talk about the essence of a dynamic skincare routine and the benefits it brings to your radiant self. And how Savarnas Mantra can help achieve this goal.


Are you ready? Should we begin? 

Step 1: Gentle But Hydrating Cleansing

While the winter chill gets chillier, our skin craves extra attention. It needs more TLC. So start your new beauty routine by cleansing away the remnants of the past year. But do it gently. Opt for a gentle, hydrating cleanser that will nourish your skin while ridding away all dirt, excess oils, and impurities. Look for ingredients like chamomile, rosehip, and aloe vera to soothe and moisturize your skin. Savarnas Mantra Rose Cleanser is one of the topmost cleansers in the natural line, with rosehip oil as its main natural active ingredient. It is also cruelty-free and paraben-free.


Step 2: Hydration Station For Ample Moisture

Wintertime is not all hunky-dory. It often also brings dry, harsh winds that can leave our skin feeling parched, itchy, and irritated. This is a sign of excess dryness. Combat this by switching up to a richer, more hydrating moisturizer. Until spring arrives, continue using a moisturizer that has ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, squalane, shea butter, etc. These are the OG hydrators and help lock in moisture. They also create a protective barrier against the elements. Your skin will thank you with a radiant, dewy glow, even on a windy day. You’ll see.


 Step 3: The Serum Game Goes Stronger

Take your winter skincare routine to a new level with the magic of serums. These concentrated formulas are real elixirs in curing skin problems. Why? Because they penetrate deep into your skin’s layers and target very specific concerns. Vitamin C serums are great for AM and can easily brighten your complexion, while hyaluronic acid serums provide an extra layer of hydration every

night as you sleep. Apply these potent elixirs this new year and see the difference. The correct way to use a serum is after cleansing and just before moisturizing. This drives maximum effectiveness.


Step 4: Eye Care for a Brighter Tomorrow

Eyes deserve the love. If you haven’t been showering them with it, then this new year is the time to add eye care to your new beauty routine. Integrate an eye cream into your routine to address any puffiness, dark circles, and fine lines. Because let’s face it, we all have them at one point or another! Ingredients like caffeine and vitamin K can work wonders, as do Vitamin E and other antioxidants. Eye cream goes over your serum.



Step 5: Sunscreen, Yeah It’s Needed Now

Don't let the winter gloom relax you. Harmful UV rays are still out there. So, seal all your products and shield your skin from potential damage by applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen. It’s not a new year and new you without this foolproof protection. You can choose a minimum SPF 30 and reapply throughout the day, especially if you plan to venture out more.


Step 6: Mask & Exfoliate

Oh yeah, add these to your New Year beauty routine. Apply a relaxing mask weekly to nourish your skin and give it that home pampering. Keep the exfoliating to 2-3 times a week. This buffs away any dead and dry skin cells that may create a tough layer and block any nourishment from seeping in.


Benefits of a Dynamic Skincare Routine

So, why change your beauty routine in this new year? Well, here are the three main reasons:

1. Adaptability: A change in your beauty routine adjusts easily to the changing needs of your skin due to weather, changes in body functions, aging, lifestyle, etc.

2. Prevention: By consistently changing your beauty routine, you are taking proactive steps to prevent issues before they arise, maintaining a healthy and youthful appearance.

3. Self-Care: If you just started on a prescribed beauty routine and blindly went with it for years, you wouldn’t ever be aware of your own skin journey. Your beauty routine isn't just about products; it's a ritual of self-awareness and self-care. A dynamic skincare routine gives you the chance to own it.



Now then, as you embark on this new journey of a new beauty routine, remember to check for the efficacy of products and keep changing it up as and when required. That’s the fun — to identify and evolve! Here’s Savarnas Mantra wishing you a happy new-year-new-you-new-beauty routine!