Mastering Mascara: Tips for Fluttery, Voluminous Lashes! – SavarnasMantra

Mastering Mascara: Tips for Fluttery, Voluminous Lashes!

May 23, 2024

Rini Jose

Mastering Mascara: Tips for Fluttery, Voluminous Lashes!

It's a familiar fact that natural lashes play a pivotal role in enhancing natural beauty.  And so, most of us rely on mascara to give that perfect volume to the lashes and make them look lengthy and lustrous.  Therefore, you must choose a product that will not only give you perfect lashes but won't damage those tiny hairs. After choosing the right mascara, the next step is to apply it correctly. Though mascara application seems simple, mastering it requires some practice. In this blog post, you'll explore the best product for your lashes and the best tricks to help you apply mascara like a pro for longer, more voluminous lashes.

Choosing the Right Mascara

To achieve those perfect lashes, your lashes need the best product. And so, choosing the right mascara for your lashes is very important.

Safety First: Lengthy and fluttery lashes indeed frame your look, but the safety of your lashes should always be your priority. For healthy and beautiful lashes, go for a mascara with natural and nourishing ingredients.

Consider the Wand: The next step is to consider the wand's shape and the mascara's formula. To do this, you must first understand your lashes and their needs, whether to add volume, length, or both. With a fluffy brush, you can easily coat each lash and make your lashes appear fuller. A tapered brush reaches even the tiniest lashes, making them look lengthy. If you want lengthy and lustrous lashes, look for a mascara with a combination brush that can do it all.

Savarnas Mantra's Natural Mascara: Confused about which mascara to choose from the splendid varieties. Savarnas Mantra has the best natural solution to offer your lashes. Enriched with nourishing ingredients, our natural lash mascara ensures not only fabulous lashes but also healthy lashes. With 3D transplanting fibers, our mascara provides buildable volume and length for a natural or fuller look, whatever your style. Moreover, the mascara keeps your lashes looking beautiful all day due to its sweat-proof and water-resistant properties. 

Prepping The Lashes


Like your skin, the lashes must be prepped well before applying makeup for the best results. Prepping the lashes before applying mascara also helps to protect them from damage. There is nothing much to do; just a few steps before mascara application can make a world of difference. 


  • Gentle Cleansing: Cleansing is the first or most important step. Always choose a mild cleanser, preferably a natural cleanser. Cleansing offers a clean canvas for mascara application and also prevents clumping.


  • Moisturize and Nourish: Now that your lashes are cleansed well, it's time to moisturize and nourish them. Applying a natural lash serum like Savarnas Mantra's Eyelash Serum hydrates, nourishes, and conditions the eyelashes.


  • Curling: Moving on to the final step, curling the lashes. You may have heard it before your social media influencer suggested curling the lashes before using mascara. Applying mascara after curling the lashes enhances them and makes them look flawless for the whole day.

Applying Mascara Like A Pro

Once your lashes are prepped well and ready to go, it's time to master the techniques and apply the mascara like a pro. But before that, it is essential to ensure that your mascara wand is clean and free of clumps or residues. Similarly, flawless applications include specific steps; let's explore them;

  • To begin with, wiggle the mascara wand upwards at the roots of your lashes for even coverage. Then comb through the lashes to evenly distribute the product.
  • To add volume and drama, layer multiple coats. But make sure to comb through any tangles or clumps after applying each coat.
  • Focus on the roots for a fuller effect.

Practice and patience will lead to flawless, professional-looking lashes.

 Removing Mascara Safely

Removing mascara from the lashes is equally important like applying it correctly. Leaving mascara overnight on the lashes can lead to brittleness, dryness and even breakage. However, removing waterproof mascara can be challenging, and people often end up being harsh while removing makeup from their lashes. Using micellar water or eye makeup remover is the gentlest method for removing mascara from the lashes. To take away the makeup effortlessly from the eyelashes, soak a cotton pad with makeup remover, close your eyelids, hold it over the lashes for a few seconds to dissolve it, and gently wipe it away.


To conclude, you can effortlessly master the secret of mascara application by choosing the right product, following proper techniques, and through consistent practice. By following the expert tips mentioned in this blog, you can effortlessly achieve fuller and longer lashes that accentuate your eyes and enhance your natural beauty.