How to Take Care of Skin Before and After Sun Exposure? – SavarnasMantra

How to Take Care of Skin Before and After Sun Exposure?

Jul 15, 2024

Bhavini Desai

How to Take Care of Skin Before and After Sun Exposure?

Table of Contents:

- Introduction

- I: Before Sun Exposure

- II: After Sun Exposure

- Conclusion


Hola, beautiful souls! Summer is here, and has brought with it the scoring summer sun. Of course, there are endless opportunities for outdoor fun too. From lazy beach days to spontaneous picnics, this season is all about soaking up the warmth. But let's face it — while we all love that golden glow, the scorching sun can be a bit of a double-edged sword on the skin. So, I’m here to share with you expert tips on how to protect and pamper your skin, wait for it, before AND after you bask in those glorious rays.

I: Before Sun Exposure:

1. Hydrate from Within

Before you even think about sunscreen, start with inner hydration. Drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining skin elasticity. Grab a cute reusable bottle and make it your summer sidekick. Sip on your water throughout the day. You can infuse or flavor it with lemons, oranges, or any of your favorite herbs. Also, you can indulge in hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumbers, and strawberries. Trust me, your skin will thank you.

2. Sunscreen

Ok, SPF is a non-negotiable. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Lather generously on your face and body for 15-30 minutes before heading out. Don’t forget those vulnerable spots like your ears, neck, and the tops of your feet. And remember — reapply every two hours, especially if you’re swimming or sweating.

3. Dress to Impress + Protect

Clothing can be a chic and effective way to protect your skin. I mean, that’s what they were meant for in the first place! So this summer, think wide-brimmed hats, stylish sunglasses, and lightweight long-sleeved shirts. Look for clothing with UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) for added protection. It’s all about finding that perfect blend of fashion and function. And lucky for us, the fashion gods point to light and comfy fits this season.

4. Antioxidant Armor

Antioxidants are your skin’s best defense line against UV damage. Therefore incorporate antioxidant-rich products into your summer routine. Usual suspects: vitamin C serum, red tea, or green tea.

5. Timing is Everything

If possible, plan your outdoor activities for early morning or late afternoon. These are times when the light is ample but the sun isn’t as strong. And always seek shade when you go out, especially during those peak hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

II: After Sun Exposure

1. Cool Down and Soothe

Post sun exposure, it’s time to cool down. A cool shower helps. As does a leisurely soak in some lukewarm to cool water. If you’re feeling a bit sun-kissed (or sunburned), apply a cool, damp cloth to the affected areas. Avoid hot showers and baths as they can further irritate your skin. Oatmeal baths can also help reduce any signs of redness, itching, and irritation.

2. Moisturize Like Crazy

Ok, not like crazy-crazy. But you get the drift, don’t you? Because sun exposure can leave your skin very parched. Replenish this moisture with a hydrating lotion or gel. Look for ingredients with aloe (a gentle toner) or hyaluronic acid, which are known for soothing and hydrating touches. Apply your moisturizer while your skin is still damp from the shower. This helps to lock in hydration.

3. Aloe Vera Magic

Aloe vera is a savior from the heat. Be it burns or mild irritation, you can always rely on this trusty old friend. Its anti-inflammatory and healing properties make it perfect for soothing sunburned skin. Apply pure aloe vera gel directly to the affected areas. You can directly rub the fleshy leaf or open a jar of store-bought aloe gel.

4. Rehydrate Inside & Out

Sun and heat can dehydrate your body. Oh yes, it’s not just the winter that holds dips on the! So keep sipping water. Hydration helps. Not only to retain glow but also to keep your body functioning well through the rest of the day.

5. Pamper with After-Sun Products

After-sun products are designed to nourish and repair. Look for cooling toners or gels with ingredients like chamomile, calendula, vitamin E, etc. These help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

6. Nighttime Recovery

Post-sundown is the best time for your skin to repair. It’s like magic that happens by itself as you sleep. So use this to your advantage. Invest in a rich, nourishing night cream / hydrating mask to give your sun-scorned skin that extra boost.


To conclude — taking care of your skin before and after sun exposure is essential. And it is easy if you just be a little proactive and take these steps. By following these, you can enjoy all the joys of summer without its woes. Hydrate, protect, and pamper! That’s the Savarnas' way to go if you wanna get the best of this summer.