How To Spend Your Sunday For Healthy Skin? – SavarnasMantra

How To Spend Your Sunday For Healthy Skin?

Jul 17, 2022

Dr Rati Parwani

How To Spend Your Sunday For Healthy Skin?

Sunday is the best day when most of us wait to relax. After working throughout the week, we need some time for ourselves to revitalize our energy levels. Do you know your skin to needs some energy to reboot itself? Yes, skin is a regenerative organ and skin cells can regenerate themselves with proper care and attention. Your skin gets tired and stressed too. It needs a break as well just as you do. Moreover, it needs some extra special care and attention.

A special skin care ritual on a Sunday can work wonders. Make sure you do it every Sunday and follow this ritual regularly. There is no better way to spend a Sunday with a “ME- TIME.” A “ME-TIME” will stimulate not only your skin but your entire system from within.

Planning for a Sunday for a Healthy Skin

Well, we plan out each day and mostly on the weekends when we want to spend some time with our family and friends. As work needs attention and planning routine, skin also needs the same. Planning out a skincare routine is easy. But, TO FOLLOW IT is the most important aspect. So, let us help you plan out a perfect Sunday for healthy skin.

Before we kick start with a perfect skin care plan for the upcoming Sunday, let us tell you that there are many tips and tricks available on the internet. Well, if you have been browsing for that perfect Sunday skincare plan, you are on the right page. Let us help you get started with a wonderful Sunday that your skin is going to enjoy completely.

Follow these golden rules for planning a Sunday for healthy skin. Let us plan out a beautiful Sunday for healthy glowing skin.

  • Get up early in the morning
  • Follow your skincare routine
  • Hit the gym or workout or maybe just morning walk
  • Sip some coconut water post-workout
  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Take some face steam
  • Exfoliate your skin
  • Enjoy your afternoon time with a clay face mask
  • Get a lift with a facial massage
  • Indulge in a lip scrub

Hit your special Skin Sunday in a great mood. This will help release the “feel-good hormones” and make your skin feel happy.

A clean-up with exfoliation and a face massage will work great for your skin. Incorporate some face roller with essential oils along with hydrating serums which will give you a radiant glow on the skin.

Makeup on Sundays??? Well, we would suggest you allow your skin to breathe. However, if you're stepping out on Sunday for some shopping, brunch, or dinner, yes you can indulge in some makeup. Fresh skin which is pampered with a dewy effect and natural look work great. Add a dash of eyeliner, mascara, lip, and cheek tint along with a highlighter to shine beautifully and look radiant.

Pampering your skin on Sunday is a great way to relax. However, you must take off the skin habits and be gentle with your skin. It is advisable to include natural products which work great for your skin as they are gentle, safe, and effective.