All You Need to Know About the Unibrow

Noun. uni· brow ˈyü-nə-ˌbrau̇ : a single continuous brow resulting from the growing together of eyebrows
That’s the textbook definition of the unibrow, and you must have seen one to know how it looks. But if you have wondered about random questions like why does the unibrow grow, why is it prominent in some people and absent in others, how can one get rid of it, can one really get rid of it…? Then we are here to give you a crash course and answer these questions among others.
If you or somebody you know has a unibrow, bookmark this blog for some night reading or keep up! Here’s all you need to know about the unibrow.
Causes of Unibrow:
- Genetics
- Genetics
- Genetics
You got it right, there is no other cause found yet except that it may have something to do with your parents or their parents. If one of them had it, chances are, you might too. The gene that gives you this unique feature is also responsible for the thickness of your hair as per studies. So essentially, more scalp hair may mean more hair between your brows!
For the enthusiastic lot, this gene is named PAX3variant.
So, if you have been blaming any oils or serums or habits, then sit back in peace. Nothing you do or could have done brought you the unibrow.
What Does a Unibrow Mean?
It does not have any symbolic or prophetic meaning. Contrary to cultural and civilizational myths going around the internet, the unibrow does not mean you are extra fortunate. Or unfortunate for that matter. It doesn’t mean fertility in men or infertility in women.
It just means you have more hair between your eyebrows and some extra protection from the sun!
Why is it Bad to Have a Unibrow?
This is not the exact question we wished to address because it is the wrong kind of question. The actual wording should be — ‘Why do People consider a Unibrow Bad?’
The answer is simple — because they are mean. People don’t like people who are not conforming to the ideal standards of beauty. But with the progressive attitude of the 21st Century, we can safely say that Unibrow is embracing its natural beauty in all its shapes.
Nothing about a unibrow is necessarily ‘bad.’ In fact, let one famous celeb sport it like a pro, and you may have people painting their own foreheads with a brow pencil to create a faux unibrow. That’s the power of influencer styling. Take for example Frida Kahlo, the beautiful painter. She often made self-portraits that glorified her bush of a unibrow, going as far as to make it her statement feature. Even today, stylists take inspiration from her looks.
Ancient Greek texts suggest that the people of that time often painted their brows together in a unibrow as this feature was associated with superior intellect and wondrous beauty. That’s the power of cultural styling.
To bring things in sharper perspective, here are the stats:
- 29% of the world’s population has a little bit of unibrow (very faint, fine hairs).
- 4% of the world’s population has moderate unibrow.
- And another chunk of this 4% has thick unibrow.
How to Get Rid of Unibrow?
The argument above is perfect to help you accept your natural unibrow and flaunt it for what it is. However, America is a land of choices. If accepting the unibrow is ok, then so is getting rid of it. Here are some ways to remove your unibrow:
- Tweezing: This is one of the easiest methods of unibrow removal. It can also be done at home, but be careful to maintain the shape of your eyebrows. Overdoing is dangerous.
- Threading: Threading is an option that is preferable to tweezing, as it is done by a professional artist taking care of your brow arches. It is also less painful and doesn’t leave as much trauma or redness in the skin around your unibrow.
- Waxing: You can get your unibrow waxed at the salon or at
- Lazer: This is a permanent to semi-permanent solution, as the laser will gradually reduce the growth of the unibrow until it is almost gone. But this is extremely expensive and may take months, even years of appointments. Since you have to visit a dermatologist to get this done, and Insurance plans don’t cover it, you may need a good chunk saved up.
Is Unibrow a Genetic Disease?
No. Unibrow may be one of the symptoms of a genetic disorder — Cornelia de Lange syndrome. But along with unibrow, the person may also have slow growth after their birth, have abnormal bones in their hands, fingers, and feet, along with short stout stature. Doctors usually diagnose this disorder in young children, which is caused by a mutation. If you are an adult with normal growth, do not worry about it.
Remove your unibrow or keep it to flaunt your uniqueness — in either case, know that there is nothing wrong with having it. Make it a celebration. Indian actor Deepika Padukone experimented with unibrow for one of her characters in her movie Padmavat, where she played the role of a warrior queen. Her beauty in that role was brightened by her unibrow, bringing the fierceness of the character to life. So, you see, it's how you perceive your unibrow that makes all the difference!