How to Get More Results Out of Skincare Products – SavarnasMantra

How to Get More Results Out of Skincare Products

Dec 30, 2019

Dan Singh

How to Get More Results Out of Skincare Products

For skincare products to be truly effective, you need to have  a protocol, or rather call them the thumb rules. 

First thing that you should remember is that you should apply the treatment products on your bare skin. For instance, if you want to remove blemishes from your skin, you can use Savarnas Mantra® Natural Blemish Treatment. So if you are using this in the morning, then you can use Savarnas Mantra® Natural Lightening Mask that evens out skin tone, in the evening. Do not use the two of them together, if you want effective results.  

Secondly, for any product to effectively get into your skin, you should first exfoliate it. Exfoliation will help remove all the dead skin. Then will it allow the other skin products to get through the skin. 

Another tip to remember when using skincare products is that you should apply them on damp skin. Remember, damp, not wet. The damp skin easily absorbs whatever is applied on the skin. It acts like a sponge. To continue with this tip, is another one, that you should wash your face with lukewarm water instead of cold water. Lukewarm water slightly raises the skin’s temperature and causes the blood vessels to dilate. Space between the cells allows greater area for absorption of the skincare product and therefore gives better results. 

Most of the skin products are most effective when applied overnight. We recommend you to use our products like- Natural Age Defying Eye Cream, Natural Neck Firming Cream and Natural Fortified Vitamin C Cream with Age Defying additives to apply overnight. When we sleep, more blood is moved away from the internal organs towards the skin. This allows more skin dilation and therefore, better penetration.  

Another point to keep in mind is that you will find the strongest dose of active ingredients in serums instead of any other cream. “A serum is a concentrated source of an active ingredient in a simple form that penetrates very quickly and completely, unhindered by lotion-type emollients that make it difficult for actives to sink in,” the cosmetic chemist, Jim Hammer says. 

With these helpful suggestions, you can easily get more benefits out of Savarnas Mantra® Natural skincare products. 
