How to Find the Right Toner Based on Your Skin Type? – SavarnasMantra

How to Find the Right Toner Based on Your Skin Type?

Mar 16, 2022

Dr Rati Parwani

How to Find the Right Toner Based on Your Skin Type? - SavarnasMantra

Are you maintaining your skincare routine with the CTM procedure? Well, for all the budding new beauties, it is important to know that CTM is Cleansing, Toning, and Moisturizing which is very important for your skincare daily routine. If you are missing this 3 -step procedure, it’s time to include it in your daily routine. 

Today, with this piece of information, we are going to provide you with expert and important advice about toners for better skin health. Yes, if you are missing on this important step of Toning which bridges the gap between Cleansing & Moisturizing, it’s time to be alert and be aware of your skincare right. Today, we will cover everything you need to know about skin toners and “How to Find the Right Toner?” 

Stay tuned with Savarnas Mantra to know more about Choosing the Correct Skin Toner among the wide variety available in the beauty and skincare industry. 

How to Find the Right Toner 

Getting attracted to skincare products is very normal? With new products hitting the beauty skin care industry, many of us get carried away in trying out our hands-on new skincare products. But remember to take care while you experiment with these products. 

Sometimes, we still can’t stop ourselves from grabbing a tempting bottle of beauty products. Isn’t it? But, before you get tempted and reach out for your beauty shopping, make sure to check the ingredient list or “label” of the skincare products. This will give you an idea about the product you are going to invest in and use. 

When it comes to skin toners, the safe choice is natural skincare toners. Natural products are worth experimenting with as there is nothing to lose and only gains. Hereby this, I mean, zero side-effects with great benefits. Yes NOW, this is possible with your toners. 

So, LET US TONE IT UP and get started!!! 

Let’s get started with various parameters on which you can choose the right toner based on your skin type.

1. Alcohol-free skin toners

2. Chemical-free skin toners

3. Nutrient-rich skin toners

4. Toners with exfoliating effects

5. Skin toners with hydrating effects

6. Oil controlling toners

7. Skin toners for sensitivity

8. Skin toners with a brightening effect

9. Skin toners with pore tightening effect

10. Skin toners with anti-oxidants 

Brace up yourself as we begin- 

1. Alcohol-free skin toners 

The main reason why many of us avoid using a toner is the “drying effect.” Conventional toner can make your skin stretchy and tight which is difficult to deal with it. This is the most important aspect while considering skin toner. Go for alcohol-free toners. 

Well, in simple terms, alcohol is bad for your health and also for your skin because it is toxic. 

To get into scientific research, alcohol-containing toners can disrupt the skin barrier causing various skin problems leading to dryness, itching, and redness with irritation. 

Other skin problems with alcohol-containing toners are- 

  • Eczema
  • Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Skin allergies                                                                                               

2. Chemical-free skin toners

The presence of harsh chemicals and irritants can cause more damage and harm to the skin which you cant imagine. There are many hazards caused by chemical and conventional skin toners ranging from the least skin irritation to skin cancers. 

Using chemical-laden skin toners can cause aggravation of existing skin conditions which can be later difficult to deal with. Yes, it can further complicate the issue. 

Generally, people opt for chemical toners under professional guidance. Yes, please make sure you follow the same. 

So, before it gets too late, start with natural skin toners for preventative therapy. 

In such cases, Natural skin toners are safe and do not need professional guidance or expert advice. You can just hop on our website and save the future health of your skin with Savarnas Mantra 

3. Nutrient-rich skin toners

 HOP, SKIP, and JUMP to Savarnas Mantra Natural Skin Toner Collection. Yes, You have found your beauty destination for the right skin toners. 

We explained to you the advantages and disadvantages of chemical-free toner.

So choosing a natural skin toner with potent nutrients is the best choice. It works as a preventive therapy from all the external and internal factors. 

Well, we cannot ignore it -

  • Sun
  • Environmental pollutants
  • Dust
  • Aging
  • Stress
  • Metabolic body activities 

If neglected, this can cause adverse effects on the skin. So, start with natural skincare toners to have healthy skin forever. 

4. Toners with exfoliating effects

 Dead skin cells are can form every day or maybe every alternate day. Scientifically, skin goes through a process of regeneration every 2- 7 days. 

With every RE- GENERATION, there is DE- GENERATION. Yes, just like welcome the NEW-GENERATION on our life- Our children. Your skin is also your baby!!! Welcome the new skin cells with love and use a natural toner with harming the new skin and sloughing of the underneath dead skin cells. 

5. Skin toners with hydrating effects 

The hydrating effect of the skin toner will give you a dewy appearance. Make sure to use hydrating extracts in your skin toner!!! 

Wondering how it's possible? Yah!! Have a glance at your skin toner bottle NOW!!! You cant find hydrating elements. And yes!! Of course, the alcohol content does not make your toner hydrating enough. 

We, at Savarnas Mantra, have a solution with Natural Seaweeds Extracts Hydrating Toner. With seaweed extract as one of the star ingredients, Savarnas Mantra Natural Seaweeds Extracts Hydrating Toner is the best solution for a hydrating toner. 

6. Oil controlling toners 

Oil control is very important for acne-free skin. So, invest in a good natural skincare toner that can help maintain the balance of the skin. Do not overuse the conventional toners which can have a super drying effect on your skin and cause more harm than good. 

7. Skin toners for sensitivity 

If you have sensitive skin which reacts to the slightest change, monitoring your skin is very important. Just like sensitive gut needs diet monitoring. No outside food, No canned food, No artificial preservatives, and WHAT NOT !!! Simple, same applies for your sensitive skin, NO CHEMICALS !!! Switching to natural skincare will make your skin cells strong and build up good immunity with nutrients to fight against sun, pollutants, stress, and aging. 

8. Skin toners with a brightening effect 

Sloughing off dead cells with toner is possible. This unleashes the new skin layer beneath with glowing effects. The power-packed nutrient-rich natural skin toners will provide extra nourishment and radiant skin glow. 

For that super-brightening effect, dont forget a healthy lifestyle with good sleep, diet, and exercise. Couple up the natural toners from Savarnas Mantra with Natural Skin Tonic loaded with nutrients to give you a deep glow from within. 

Because Our Beauty Mantra At Savarnas Mantra is Real Glow for Healthy Skin. Yes, people will get taken aback by your NO-makeup LOOK & GLOW.

 9. Skin toners with pore tightening effect 

Skin toners must have a “PORE Tightening effect” and not a “SKIN Tightening effect” which can be drying for the skin. So, make sure to check out for this quality before choosing the right skin tones. 

10. Skin toners with anti-oxidants 

Last, but not least, anti-oxidant toners can be great to fight to age. Aging is not a disease, it needs no treatment. It is a natural process and needs preventive therapy. What better than opting for natural skincare toner with anti-oxidants. 

All set to glow!!! We do not forget skincare is a very important step for a healthy life. It's not just your DNA or Genes that make you -it's your DAILY HABIT. Get habituated to a disciplined skincare routine and dont forget your TONER for that beautiful glow!!!