Beyond the Basics: Creative Techniques Using Eyebrow Pencils for Stunn – SavarnasMantra

Beyond the Basics: Creative Techniques Using Eyebrow Pencils for Stunning Brow

Jun 14, 2024

Rini Jose

Beyond the Basics: Creative Techniques Using Eyebrow Pencils for Stunning Brow

Hey there! Eyebrows are way more than just hairy lines above your eyes. They're like the superstars of your face, framing your whole look. But that's not all! They also help you express yourself – think raised brows for surprise or furrowed brows for concentration. Plus, well-groomed brows can make you look younger. And let's not forget the confidence factor – rocking killer brows can seriously give you a self-esteem boost! That’s where you’ll need a simple yet powerful tool, like a brow pencil. Whether you prefer a natural, bold, or artistic brow, a good-quality eyebrow pencil can do it all. Yes, your brow pencils are not just meant to fill in those sparse spots, but they are way more than you think. Explore some creative ways and discover some amazing methods to use a brow pencil, which can transform your brows from basic to beautiful! Read on;

Choosing Your Perfect Pencil Partner

Before moving into advanced techniques, the primary step is to choose the right eyebrow pencil for your brows.

· Matching Shade: For a seamless look, it’s always wise to choose a shade that closely matches your natural brows. If you aren’t sure of the shade, opt for a slightly lighter shade, as it’s much easier to build up color.

· Consider Your Skin Tone: When choosing a shade, it is also important to consider the tone of your skin. For warmer skin tones, choose browns with a hint of red or gold. While for a cooler skin tone, choose ashy or taupe shades.

· Precision: Choose a fine-tipped pencil for detailing or a broader tip if you choose a quick, all-over fill.

Savarnas Mantra® Eyebrow Pencil

Are you searching for the ideal eyebrow pencil to accentuate your brows? At Savarnas Mantra, we offer an assortment of soft black, brunette, and blonde shades that cater to different preferences and can help achieve well-groomed brows with accuracy and enhance brow shapes with precision. The dry formula offers a natural finish. Our brow pencil is both smudge-free and water-resistant, ensuring easy application and long-lasting wear.

Mastering the Art of Brow Mapping

Mapping the brows helps you identify where exactly your eyebrow should begin and end, thereby offering a symmetrical and balanced look.

· Start Point: Your eyebrow should begin at the point where the brow pencil touches your eyebrow when placed vertically alongside your nose.

· Arch: The highest point of your arch can be identified by placing the brow pencil diagonally across your iris from the edge of your nose.

· End Point: The tail or the point where your brow ends can be identified by positioning the brow pencil from the edge of your nose towards the outer corner of your eye; the point of intersection is where your brow ends.

· Outline Your Brows: After you've located the three points on your eyebrows, outline them and give them shape to become defined and thick.

· Brush them: Brush the eyebrows upward and outward. Using the brow pencil fill in your eyebrows, applying gentle strokes to create a natural look.

Try The Art of Feathering for A Natural Brow Look

Feathering techniques will be your best bet for a natural, everyday look. Besides, it gives the appearance of natural brow hair.

· Lighter Strokes: Use a fine-tipped brow pencil to draw short, light strokes in the direction of your natural hair growth.

· Blend: Using a spoolie brush, blend any harsh lines to give a natural finish.

· Layering: Focusing on the sparse areas, build up the color gradually to create a fuller look.

Achieving Bold Brows with Definition

For those times when you want your brows to make a statement, a bold and defined look is perfect. Here’s how to achieve it:

· Outline Your Brows: Start by outlining the shape of your brows with an eyebrow pencil. Follow the natural arch of your brow, but feel free to exaggerate it slightly for a more dramatic effect.

· Fill in with Short and Firm Strokes: Be sure to cover all areas of the brow with short, firm strokes, focus on creating a dense, uniform color.

· Define the Arch: To create a sharp and defined look, with the brow pencil adding a bit more pressure highlight the arch of your brow.

· Blend and Set: Blend the edges and soften any harsh lines using a spoolie brush. Finish with a tinted brow gel to add volume and hold.

Ombre Brows for a Gradient Effect

The ombre brows have a gradient effect, with lighter brows at the beginning and darker ones towards the tail.

· Light to Dark: To start with, fill in the front of your brows with a light hand and a lighter shade of pencil.

· Build Intensity: Gradually increase the pressure and switch to a darker pencil as you head towards the arch and tail.

· Blend: Using a spoolie blend the transitions between the shades to ensure a smooth gradient effect.


The world of eyebrows is not just limited to defining and filling. With a little creativity and a good quality brow pencil, you can open up a whole new realm of possibilities. From natural hair-like strokes to dramatic brows, the options are endless. Remember, your brows are unique, just like you!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your eyebrow pencil and start experimenting new styles and bring out your inner brow artist!